Intelligent Population Health Reporting
through Oberoi Disease Management
Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects around 3.5 million people in the UK. Uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure are the biggest causes of CKD.
There is no cure for CKD, but treatment can help relieve the symptoms and prevent progression of the disease.
The Oberoi Disease Management Digital Audit Platform for CKD is aligned with the latest evidence for the treatment of CKD (NICE guidelines NG203 (2021) and NG28 (2015).
The Oberoi Disease Management CKD module also utilises the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) classification to support the recall and review of patients.

Practice Baseline Report Snapshot
The Service Supports Healthcare Organisations (HCOs) to:

Validate the CKD Register
Through identification of patients with CKD with missing coding, to place them on the QOF CKD Register.

Optimise Medication
Easy stratification of patients through KDIGO to optimise blood pressure, proteinuria, lipids and anaemia.

Missing Tests & Readings
Target those at risk who are missing vital interventions.
The CKD dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of key metrics (the CKD register, ACR testing, ARB/ACE inhibitor, SGLT2i & Finerenone prescribing, blood pressure targets, lipid management & anaemia) and insights to drive informed decision-making.
Our dashboards align seamlessly with the NHS organisational structure and are available at practice, PCN and ICB level, enabling benchmarking, easy comparison and tracking of key performance indicators.
With this alignment, our dashboard empowers PCNs and ICS to optimise care coordination, drive efficiency, and deliver patient-centered care. Providers can identify variations, share best practices, and drive resource allocation.
The Impact of Kidney Disease
Kidney disease is costing the UK economy £7 billion a year, costs which could rise to £13.9 billion in just ten years
Growing numbers of people are at risk of kidney disease due to increased cases of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity
Significant government action is needed to implement four healthcare interventions that could save 10,000 lives in the UK by 2033
To access and view economic interactive dashboards for your local area, developed by Kidney Research UK, in line with The health economics of kidney disease to 2033 click here to enter your data

Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning
Professor Fuat is Medical Director at Oberoi Consulting, a GPSI Cardiology and Honorary Professor of Primary Care Cardiology at Durham University. He is passionate about medical education and has vast experience in Quality Improvement in Primary Care.
These bite sized learning videos are designed to upskill health care professionals in cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease.

Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning
Understanding CKD

Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning
Screening and Diagnosis of CKD

Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning
Interventions in CKD

Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning
CKD: When to refer and a general summary