Intelligent Population Health Reporting

through Oberoi Disease Management

Lipid Management

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Lipid Management

Improving lipid management by pro-active identification of patients at risk and optimisation of their treatment is a fundamental method to improve population health by preventing and reducing mortality from cardiovascular events.

Lipid optimisation is an important aspect of cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. In addition to statins, there are now several newer treatment options available, where statins are not enough to reduce cholesterol to target or as alternatives if they are not tolerated. These treatments include ezetimibe, bempedoic acid, PCSK9 inhibitors and inclisiran.

The Oberoi Disease Management Digital Audit Platform for Lipid Management has been developed to support primary care to deliver the AAC national guidance for lipid management for primary and secondary prevention of CVD.

Practice Baseline Report Snapshot

The Service Supports Healthcare Organisations (HCOs) to:

Manage Patients Beyond QOF

Optimise Lipids in
Primary Prevention

Diagnose Familial Hypercholesterolaemia

Data Analytics Icon
Identifying Patients for Specialist Services & Treatment


The Lipids dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of key metrics and insights to drive informed decision-making.

Our dashboards align seamlessly with the NHS organisational structure and are available at practice, PCN and ICB level, enabling benchmarking, easy comparison and tracking of key performance indicators.

With this alignment, our dashboard empowers PCNs and ICS to optimise care coordination, drive efficiency, and deliver patient-centered care. Providers can identify variations, share best practices, and drive resource allocation.

Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning

Professor Fuat is Medical Director at Oberoi Consulting, a GPSI Cardiology and Honorary Professor of Primary Care Cardiology at Durham University. He is passionate about medical education and has vast experience in Quality Improvement in Primary Care.

These bite sized learning videos are designed to upskill health care professionals in cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease.

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Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning

Cholesterol Management:
Why is it important?

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Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning

Cholesterol Management:
Primary Prevention​

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Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning

Cholesterol Management:
Secondary Prevention​

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Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning

Cholesterol Management:
Severe Hypercholesterolaemia and Detecting FH

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Prof Fuat's Bite Sized Learning

What about Trigylceridaemia?​